Component P4: Final Report and Presentation


At this point, you now need to wrap up this project, and deliver it to whomever gave you the project to begin with (normally your boss, but in this case, your instructor and TAs). A normal "real life" process here would involve a professional presentation and project report.

Your presentation should present ideas at a very high level, and should cover the following topics:

  • Who is this presentation/project report for?
  • What is the design problem being addressed here?
  • Who are you designing for, and what is the context of their activities?
  • What are the main things you discovered in your user research?
  • What were the major design decisions that you made? (i.e. what did you decide were must haves vs. should haves; how did you arrive at the final design ideas?)
  • How do you justify your design decisions?
  • What did you discover from your heuristic evaluation?
  • How would you address these in the next iteration of the design?

Word provides several paragraph styles that will help with the professional look of your final report. I would suggest using styles such as "Title", "Heading 1", "Heading 2", "Normal", "Block Quote" and "Caption". You should organize your final report with the following headings (roughly):

  • Executive Summary
  • Introduction
  • Design Problem
  • User Research and Findings
  • Design and Justification
  • Heuristic Evaluation and Findings
  • Recommendations for Next Iteration of Design
  • Conclusions


  • Final in-tutorial presentation. This is a 10 minute presentation where you are to construct a powerpoint slide deck. Make sure that you use the pictures and images/scans of your sketches/ideas liberally. Do not go over time. At 11 minutes, your TA will abruptly end your presentation. You will also answer questions from your TA and labmates for 5 minutes. Note: this is expected to a PowerPoint presentation.
  • Final report. This document should essentially be a summary of the major components from the previous steps of your project, but the point is to present it professionally and succinctly. You will be given eight pages to compile this report. You have a limit of 12 pages.

Grading Sheet

  • Ensure that your grading sheet is placed in front of the section of this component.
  • Make sure that you bring your portfolio binder to the demo.