I am interested in supervising and advising CPSC 502/503 undergrad research projects. Please contact me directly if you are interested.

  • Mobile Camera Work. Explore methods for supporting video conferencing using mobile devices (fixed, multiple displays, etc.)
  • Unintended Uses of Games. Design and run a study that explores unintended uses of tools/games. Might follow on from the sustainability angle, but the games angle is an interesting one to follow through on here.
  • Sandbox Games. Design and run a study that explores the different uses of sandbox games. Articulate new design requirements for games that aim to provide sandbox-like capabilities.
  • Personal Visualizations. Visualization of personal information for seeking out patterns and supporting reflection/understanding. Potential areas of interest: photo data, personal orientation data, etc.
  • Mobile device use in the Home. Domestic use of mobile devices is considerably different than the way mobile devices were expected to be used even 10 years ago. Design and run a diary study of how mobile devices are used in the domestic context.
  • Something you suggest...
  • Old Project Ideas